Saturday 11 July 2015

Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth Review

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Pages: 525


Sypnosis:  One choice can transform you - or it can destroy you. Tris Prior's initiation day should have been marked by celebration: instead it ended with unspeakable horrors. Now unrest surges in the factions around her as conflict between their ideologies grows.
In times of war sides must be chosen and secrets emerge. Tris has already paid a terrible price for survival and is wracked by haunting guilt. But radical new discoveries and shifting relationships mean that she must fully embrace her Divergence - even through she stands to lose everything... 

More: Amazon | Goodreads

One word... Speechless. 
I read the first book Divergent a while ago and when i started this second book, it took me a while to get the hang of what's going on previously and some of the characters that appeared before. For those who haven't read the first book, there may be spoilers here!! At the start, the book goes on about what happens after Trice and Tobias left the Dauntless Faction and to be honest, i was a bit bored... there was too much description as to how Trice is feeling and thinking rather than having some kind of action or events happening.
Having said that, i do love the romance between the two characters though, it's sweet, simple and there are problems too. And at this point, i feel like even though i like the Trice, sometimes her thoughts and reasonings are a bit annoying which makes me like and dislike her at the same time. 
Such as when she's keeping secrets from people and from Tobias, she expects Tobias to tell her everything straight away. Apart from the negativity, i do love how brave and clever she is and you can tell she really loves Tobias. 
During the whole story, there was a lot of character development and all am going to say is, the people who you expect them to be who they are, aren't. I was shocked too and the story only starts getting better in the middle of the book which i hate because that meant the ending is a cliffhanger!! I WANT AND DEMAND TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!! Hahah. When i say this book is speechless, i meant 'how can there be such an amazing plot twist?!'. I did not in any shape or form could imagine 'that' happening and i think that plot twist is what made me give the book a 4/5.
One side character i have to specifically mention is Peter, wow ahah did not expect him to be like that and some guy named 'C....'.
The fact that this story involved people in forms of betrayal, friendships and forgiveness really hit me. I felt a tad bit emotional at the end.
I regret not getting all 3 books at once... now i have to order Allegiant and wait a couple days before it arrives.... Great.

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